After a quiet period dedicated to composing, Marco Esu introduced a
particular series of scores and new compositions on his Web site, written for
several instruments and available integrally to anyone using the Web. These
compositions will not be released on CD or other phonographic means and
therefore will remain always accessible to the public from a written aspect,
that is in scores. The songs are available at The songs have classical, jazz and South American influences. Marco Esu has
intentionally created this series of compositions for those who love the reading
of music. “These compositions will not be played by me in concert or in other
ways.” (queste composizioni non verranno suonate da me in concerto o in altri
modi, basta la scrittura musicale per divulgare l’arte di questa musica e se ci
sarà chi apprezzerà questi brani, anche se fosse uno solo al mondo o una sola
persona al mondo, è giusto creare l’arte e regalarla alla vita).
Your Connection to traditional and contemporary World Music, including folk, roots, global music, ethno and crosscultural fusions