Tigist ShibabawEthiopian Singer Tigist Shibabaw died in Ethiopia last week. Details are not known as to the cause of death or the exact date of her decease. Although she had been living and recording in New York City for several years, she died in Bahar Dar (Ethiopia) while on a spiritual trip. She was buried with family in Chagni, the place of her birth.Tigist was the singer that appeared on the Bole 2 Harlem CD. Tigist appeared onnumerous world music recordings produced in the New York city area, including Gigi (Palm Pictures, 2001), Radioaxiom – A Dub Transmission (Palm Pictures, 2001), Zion Roots (Network Medien, 2003), Mandeng Eletrik (Mulatta, 2004), Gold and Wax (Palm Pictures, 2006), Bole 2 Harlem, Vol#1 (Sounds of the Mushroom, 2006).
Gigi, the well known world music singer is Tigit’s sister.
Author: World Music Central News Room
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