Iran is located in western Asia, bordering Turkey, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Iranian Music and Genres
Advar (Cycle) is a rhythmic form used for centuries as a foundation of composition in Iranian music and some other music cultures in the Middle East. The approach to this concept is utilizing a single beat and its progression to create cyclic patterns. In essence, the length of a cycle is longer than common time signatures, with more complex rhythmic variations.
In the 14th and 15th centuries, the most important users of advar were Safiedin Armavi and Abdolghader Maraghei. (source: Kaveh Mahmudiyan)
Iranian Musicians
Ali Akbar Moradi
Ali Reza Analouei
Alireza Ghorbani
Azam Ali
Behnam Samani
Bushehri Traditional Music Ensemble
Dastan Ensemble
Ensemble Shanbehzadeh
Fariborz Azizi
Ghazal Ensemble
Hafez Nazeri
Hamid Reza Nourbakhsh
Hamid Reza Taqavi
Hamavayan Ensemble
Homayoun Shajarian
Hossein Alizadeh
Hossein Behroozi-Nia
Hossein Omoumi
Houman Pourmehdi
Kayhan Kalhor
Kaykhosro Pournazeri
Keyvan Saket
Kiu Haghighi
Kiya Tabassian
Laymer folk music group
Lian Ensemble
Loga Ramin Torkian
Majid Derakhshani
Mamak Khadem
Mohammad Reza Lotfi
Naser Khorasani
Pedram Khavar Zamini
Peyman Yazdanian
Pezhham Akhavass
Saeed Niakowsari
Salar Aghili
Shahab Paranj
Shahram Nazeri
Shams Ensemble
Siamak Jahangiry
Siavash Nazeri
Sima Bina
Zohreh Jooya