Kuwait is a small, oil-rich country located at the top of the Gulf, flanked by Saudi Arabia to the south, Iraq to the north and Iran to the east.
Kuwaiti Music
Traditional music in Kuwait is a reflection of the country’s diverse heritage. As a trading and pearling center, Kuwait attracted foreigners who left their music with the inhabitants, while the Kuwaiti traders brought back music from East Africa and India. The result was a rich, varied sound full of vitality.
Sawt is the most important style of Kuwaiti music and is performed by ud/oud (plucked lute) and mirwas (a drum). A violin was later added to the format. The Kuwaiti Bedouins are known for an instrument called the rubabah.
Other instruments found in Kuwait include the tanbarah (string instrument) and habban (bagpipe).
Kuwaiti Dance
The Ardah dance involves the use and skill of the sword, accompanied by the rhythm of drums and poetry reading. The Samri, Khamari, and tanbura are all dances and traditions that are performed at family and social gatherings, and weddings.