Sister Sadie in 2025. Band photo, playing their instruments.

Sister Sadie’s Song for the Free-Spirited: “Do What You Want”

Sister Sadie’s latest single, Do What You Want,” offers a lively shift from their previous release, the bluegrass ballad “If I Don’t Have You.” The track combines acoustic bluegrass instrumentation with honky-tonk piano, electric guitar, and drums, culminating in a spirited gang-vocal finale.

Co-written by Erin Enderlin, Dani Flowers, and Deanie Richardson, the song carries a message of defiance and self-empowerment. “No matter what you do, someone will always have an opinion,” says Richardson, the band’s co-founder and reigning IBMA Fiddle Player of the Year. “So don’t worry—just do what you want.”

Bass player Maddie Dalton, the youngest member of the band, delivers the lead vocal, her soprano carrying the song’s rebellious chorus:

You’re damned if you do, you’re damned if you don’t
And you’ll never be happy if you don’t do what you want.

Reflecting on the song’s theme, Enderlin describes it as a reminder to keep life in perspective. “We’re just tiny dots on a planet spinning around a sun. The things we stress over often seem small when you step back.”

Dalton, enthusiastic about her role, adds: “I relate to this song, and I know so many others will, too. I’m just excited for the world to hear it.”

Author: World Music Central News Room

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