El flamenco en la dramática luna negra exhibition. Photo by Pablo Lorente.

Flamenco’s Recording Legacy: An Exhibition in Madrid

(headline image: El flamenco en la dramática luna negra exhibition. Photo by Pablo Lorente.)

From October 1st to 29th, the Ateneo de Madrid’s Sala Anselma is hosting the exhibition El flamenco en la dramática luna negra. This exhibition explores the history of flamenco recordings, highlighting items from the Carlos Martín Ballester Collection. Visitors will be able to trace the evolution of flamenco from the invention of the phonograph in 1877 to the era of 78 rpm records, culminating in the vinyl revolution. Alongside the recordings, various playback devices and flamenco-related documents will be on display.

El flamenco en la dramática luna negra exhibition. Photo by Pablo Lorente

Flamenco Across Regions: Lectures and Performances

In the Ateneo’s Auditorio Cátedra Mayor, a series of lectures and live performances took place from October 1st to 5th. The sessions provided a detailed look at the development of flamenco along the routes from Ronda to the eastern regions of Spain, forming the theoretical backdrop for the Suma Flamenca festival.

  • October 1st: Málaga cantaora
    Flamenco scholar Ramón Soler focused on the formation of regional flamenco styles such as malagueñas and fandangos abandolaos in Málaga, Ronda, and nearby towns. Bonela hijo (singer) and Rubén Lara (guitarist) performed at the event.
  • October 2nd: Jaén, cantaora y minera
    Gregorio Valderrama discussed the influence of Jaén’s geography, olive groves, and mining industry on flamenco. The session included performances by Lara Marchal (singer) and Juanito Campos (guitarist).
  • October 3rd: Almería dorada
    Antonio Sevillano explored Almería’s pre-flamenco roots and the spread of its unique style, the taranta, to nearby mining regions. The José del Tomate Trio was the featured performed.
  • October 4th: Aires de Graná
    Antonio Campos presented Granada’s flamenco heritage, from the romanticized Sacromonte district to its international influence. Campos will perform with Miguel Ochando (guitarist).
  • October 5th: La Unión and Cartagena
    Curro Piñana closed the lecture series by putting the spotlight on the evolution of flamenco in the mining areas of La Unión and Cartagena. Piñana performed with guitarist Juan Ramón Caro, highlighting the region’s free-flowing, expressive styles.

Author: World Music Central News Room

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