This album cover for "Intercontinental, Vol. 6" depicts an Arctic landscape with icy waters and snow-covered mountains under a bright blue sky. At the center, a glowing, swirling portal with a black void at its core is adorned with a pattern resembling international flags. A lone figure stands in the distance, facing the portal.

Magnificent Seven

 “Butterflies,” by a band called Intercontinen7al, may well be the first of its kind: a bossa nova song comprised of parts recorded on all seven continents. And yes, that includes Antarctica. It’s a delicate, lovely piece of work, and all streaming proceeds go to a most worthy charity, Oxfam.

Author: Tom Orr

Tom Orr is a California-based writer whose talent and mental stability are of an equally questionable nature. His hobbies include ignoring trends, striking dramatic poses in front of his ever-tolerant wife and watching helplessly as his kids surpass him in all desirable traits.

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