Sole - Elos cover artwork

Sole Cultivates a Transcendent Dialogue Between Past and Present Slovak Music

Sole – Elos (CPL-Music, 2024)

Bratislava ensemble Sole is a pioneering force in Slovak world jazz scene, bridging diverse traditions with innovative flair. Their debut album, Elos, is a captivating set, skillfully weaving together jazz, folk, and world music.

Gifted lead vocalist Júlia Kozáková mesmerizes with her polyglot talent, effortlessly traversing Romanian, Bucharian, Spanish, Swedish, and Slovak languages. Her Spanish is lovely, with southern Spanish and Argentine flavors. Meanwhile, the ensemble’s homage to Romanian and Balkan roots resonates throughout the album, converging vocals, piano and accordion expertise, elegant bass, and varied percussion beautifully intertwined with stellar jazz performances.

Sole’s commitment to accessibility shines through their inventive approach. Collaborating with lyricist Eva Thonhauserová, they enrich each track with Slovak and English verses, encapsulating the essence of every melody. Visual representation mirrors cultural diversity, with each song adorned in hues and motifs emblematic of its heritage.

“All these verses together form a poem that we named Elos, just like the album,” says Júlia Kozákova. “Even though the songs come from different countries, times, and languages, their themes are universal. They are human. They speak to us, and we give them a contemporary sound; we find in them things with which we connect. That’s why we named the album Elos. It is a reflection of our band name, Sole, just as we have found our reflections in these songs from different times and places.”

Kozáková’s acclaim as a soloist, marked by her award-winning debut Manuša (2022), precedes her role in Sole. Pianist Ľudovít Kotlár, highly regarded in jazz circles and seasoned by collaborations with Grammy luminary Wayne Escoferry, enriches Sole’s ensemble with his virtuosity. Likewise, double bassist Ľubomír Gašpar, celebrated for his mastery of the cimbalom, brings a rich solo legacy to the ensemble, epitomized by his award-winning album Ľubozvuk (2021).

Accordionist Filip Urda, recipient of the Music Fund’s laurels, enriches Sole’s overall sound with his eclectic fusion sensibilities, developed through his tenure in Especias. Completing the ensemble, drummer Juraj Raši, a luminary in Slovak music, infuses rhythmic dynamism, developed under the tutelage of prestigious percussionist Howard Curtis.

Author: JGurski


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