Aiace - Eu Andava Como Se Fosse Voar

Aiace’s Afro-Bahian Fusion Shines in Eu Andava Como Se Fosse Voar

Aiace – Eu Andava Como Se Fosse Voar (self-release, 2023)

Aiace’s latest album, Eu Andava Como Se Fosse Voar (I Walked as If I Were Flying), seamlessly intertwines acoustic arrangements grounded in tradition with subtle electronics. Infused with a yearning for hope, a deep exploration of love, and a profound journey of self-discovery as a black woman, this album stands as a testament to the creative essence of this lovely and talented singer and songwriter.

Crafted during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, Aiace found inspiration and connection through virtual collaborations with fellow artists. In tandem with Paulo Mutti, she brought this exciting project to life.

The album, consisting of 11 tracks, features original pieces like “Quando As Luzes Se Apagam,” reimagined classics such as “Se Você Se For” by Ednei Góes, Zinho, and Armandinho, and a fresh take on “Jornada do Prazer” by Gonzaguinha. Notably, captivating collaborations with artists such as Mestrinho, Letieres Leite (in memoriam), Luedji Luna, and Maracatu Ventos de Ouro elevate the musical experience.

The album’s sound is a fusion of new Brazilian Popular Music (MPB) with a distinctive Afro-Bahian influence. It gracefully incorporates rhythms like ijexá and Vassi, exploring genres like irresistible genres such as Coco, Baião, and even venturing into more universal styles like rock and soul. A special highlight is the collaboration with fellow composers, including Aiace’s father, Gileno Felix, contributing to the song “Fluxo e Refluxo,” recently released as a single.

Author: Iliana Cabrera


2 Replies to “Aiace’s Afro-Bahian Fusion Shines in Eu Andava Como Se Fosse Voar”

  1. Aiace é uma artista incrível. Ouvir sua música faz dos meus dias melhores e sou muito grato ao universo por ela existir. Aiace é música em sua completude. Que todos os caminhos estejam abertos para ela e que o mundo inteiro possa conhecer essa potência de artista.

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