Rocío Márquez and Bronquio

Suma Flamenca Festival 2023 to exhibit the Groundbreaking Creativity of “Tercer cielo” by Rocío Márquez and Bronquio

Rocío Márquez, one of the leading voices of the new flamenco generation and the punk-rooted musician Bronquio, inaugurate Suma Flamenca on Tuesday, October 17, 2023. This is one of the most important flamenco festivals in Spain, organized by the Community of Madrid.

The Márquez-Bronquio couple expand the flamenco of the 21st century in this Teatros del Canal recital that includes their project Tercer cielo. This is also the title of their groundbreaking album, Tercer cielo.

The journey they present, which goes from the known to the unknown, from tradition to creation, perfectly reflects the spirit that animates Suma Flamenca.

More about Suma Flamenca.

Author: World Music Central News Room

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