Pausis - Pausis, Design-by Nikolaos Koumartzis

Pausis: From Ancient Greek Lyre to Modern Innovation

Pausis – Pausis (Seikilo Ancient World Music, 2023)

Pausis is a music collective that presents both ancient and modern musical instruments while performing inventive pieces inspired by ancient world music heritage. The group centers around the ancient lyre as its primary instrument, skillfully accompanied by exceptional female vocalists and soundscapes reminiscent of the grand ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean region.

Established in 2017, Pausis has graced the stages of renowned music festivals in Greece and other countries, introducing their debut album Pausis in 2022. Their music weaves captivating, cinematic, and spontaneous arrangements, narrating immersive journeys into the listeners’ inner selves, carrying the distinct essence of ancient myths and wisdom.

They describe their music as a “covert mode of communication,” representing a hidden and unseen expression beyond the evident surface. Pausis embodies the concealed intersection where all apparent methods of communication, such as dialogs, sounds, gestures, and writing, converge to convey something greater than their individual components.

Musicians: Theodore Koumartzis on lyre; Eljona-Eleni Sinjari on vocals; Evagoras Bekiaris on keyboards and electronics; Sokrates Votskos on duduk & saxophone; and Marios Podaras on pandura & violin.

Buy Pausis.

Author: Claudia Taylor


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