Eljona-Eleni Sinjari playing piano

Greek Vocalist, Keyboardist, Conductor and Actress Eljona-Eleni Sinjari

Eljona-Eleni Sinjari embodies a multifaceted artistic persona, having undertaken comprehensive training in both piano and vocal disciplines. Throughout her career, she has actively engaged in an impressive array of musical pursuits, participating in numerous festivals, recordings, and events alongside acclaimed classical music orchestras and chamber music ensembles. Furthermore, she has demonstrated her talent in guiding and accompanying mixed and children’s choirs as a conductor and choral arranger. Notably, Eljona-Eleni Sinjari has also lent her vocal talents to various vocal ensembles and highlighted her exceptional skills as an a cappella arranger.

Moreover, her artistic ventures extend beyond the realm of classical music, as she has captivated audiences with her acting and singing contributions to theatrical performances. Additionally, Eljona-Eleni Sinjari has left an indelible mark on the vast landscapes of jazz and rock, enchanting listeners as both a captivating singer and a skillful keyboard player.

A defining aspect of her musical journey lies in her membership within the Pausis world music collective, underscoring her position as a recognized and respected member of the Greek music community.


Pausis (Seikilo Ancient World Music, 2023)

Author: Claudia Taylor


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