Bio Ritmo - Salsa System

Bio Ritmo Unveils “Salsa System” EP on Vinyl

Salsa band Bio Ritmo has released the EP “Salsa System” (Electric Cowbell) to celebrate their 30-year anniversary for the first time on vinyl. The recording came out in 2006 on digital platforms only. “Salsa System” was engineered and mixed by the multiple Grammy Award winner Jon Fausty, a highly respected recording engineer in the evolution of salsa music. Fausty recorded many of Fania Record’s most essential releases for over four decades by acclaimed artists like Eddie Palmieri, Tito Puente, Celia Cruz and Ruben Blades

Salsa System has been remastered for this limited edition vinyl release, featuring original artwork by the band’s singer and founder Rei Alvarez. A bonus song, “Bionic Boogaloo” (from Biónico) was added to help fill out the 10.” a

Bio Ritmo’s co-writer and pianist Marlysse Simmons explains how this EP came about, “Gabo Tomasini, our conga player and manager at the time, had the idea. We got in touch with Jon, and he was excited to get in the studio, but it was costly to bring all 10 of us down to Tampa, where Jon was. It worked out when we found a studio with the gear that Jon required in Northern Virginia, only 2 hours north of us. Working with Jon was surreal, because of the legend he is, we were all nervous for sure. We learned a lot during that session. But also we gained confidence in who we were. Yes, our approach to salsa is probably different from the bands Jon was used to working with, but in the end, we got Jon’s approval, and it helped us feel more confident in our mission. He schooled us in one way – I remember Rei had to take a few takes of his sonero, cause Jon knew he had it in him to do better. And he did!”

Rei Alvarez adds, “Salsa System is a particularly inspiring release because it was an important milestone in our trajectory, which I refer to as our own ‘salsa boot camp.’ We had the fortune of working with legendary engineer Jon Fausty of Fania records fame. Apart from the music having been at a point where our style as an orquesta was truly solidifying, we got an important lesson as to how a salsa band’s sound is brought to life in the studio. Traveling to Florida to do the work was exciting as well, as it got us out of our usual Richmond ‘comfort zone.’

The band concludes, “The title Salsa System is quite appropriate because our sound at the time was finally being honed into something truly ours; all of our influences converging into a unique style. The process seemed more intentional and controlled than before.”

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Author: World Music Central News Room

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