Antonio González Mellado and representatives of peñas

Flamenco Clubs of Cádiz Highlight Their Role as Cultural Spaces in September 2022

The Diputación de Cádiz (provincial government) and the Provincial Federation of Peñas Flamencas presented the III Meeting of Cadiz entities and the IV Flamenco Day in the province of Cádiz in the south of Spain.

The deputy and vice-president of the Provincial Foundation for Culture, Antonio González Mellado, and the president of the Federation, Nicolás Sosa, introduced the two programs.

González Mellado pointed out the need to “continue defending the flamenco that is done in the province…there are no better allies than our peñas“. The deputy praised the peñas’ work in disseminating flamenco and holding events around it, in a shared strategy that aims to open its spaces to citizens and attract new generations.

Along the same line, Nicolás Sosa indicated that “the clubs are one of the springs to keep flamenco alive in the province“, thanking the support of the Provincial Council for the development of numerous activities.

The president of the Federation has explained that “in the peñas, flamenco is experienced in a different and singular way, because it is done in the form of coexistence, with a closeness with the artists that is not usual in other formats”. And that makes it possible for the love for flamenco to “pass from generation to generation”.

The first event, the III Provincial Meeting of the Federation of Peñas Flamencas de Cádiz, will take place on Saturday, September 17 at the Monasterio de la Victoria, in El Puerto de Santa María. The program includes the celebration of a protocol act in which two emblematic entities will be recognized, such as the Tertulia Flamenca Tomás El Nitri, from El Puerto, and the Peña Flamenca Enrique El Mellizo, from the capital of Cadiz, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of both. Its presidents are José Bartolomé Brao and Manuel Millán, attended the presentation ceremony to personally thank this tribute.

Next, around 7:15 p.m., there will be a flamenco performance titled ‘La mujer en el cante de Cádiz y los Puertos’. The cantaoras María Vargas, Carmen de la Jara and Nazaret Cala are scheduled to perform. They will be accompanied on guitar by Antonio Carrión and Paco León, and by Naim Real and Edu Gómez on hand clapping percussion.

The meeting will conclude with a social gathering of peña supporters.

On the other hand, on September 23 and 24, a complete program of activities will be launched to commemorate the IV Day of Flamenco in the Province of Cádiz. Fifteen performances will be held over the weekend in as many peñas scattered throughout the province. All this with the aim of “reclaiming the uniqueness of living flamenco in a peña and also presenting it as an added tourist attraction for all the people who visit us in the province, just a few days before the celebration of International Tourism Day” .

The program includes:

September 23

–       Algeciras. 21:00 (9:00 p.m.). Sociedad del Cante Grande. Niño de La Leo y su grupo.

–       Rota. 21:30 (9:30 p.m.) . Tertulia Flamenca Viejo Agujeta. Manuel de Cantarote. Guitar: Vicente Santiago.

–       Jerez. 21:30 (9:30 p.m.). Peña Flamenca Los Cernícalos. Melchora Ortega. Guitar: Manuel Valencia.

–       Jerez. 21:30 (9:30 p.m.). Peña Flamenca El Pescaero. Tomás Rubichi. Guitar: Domingo Rubichi.

–       Jerez. 22:00 (10:00 p.m.). Peña Flamenca La Bulería. Lela Soto. Guitar: Antonio Malena.

–       Cádiz. 22:00 (10:00 p.m.). Peña Flamenca Enrique El Mellizo. Anabel Rivera. Guitar: Javier Ibáñez.

–       Puerto Real. 22:00 (10:00 p.m.). Peña Flamenca Canalejas. Salmonete. Guitar: Manuel López.

–       San Fernando. 22:00 (10:00 p.m.). Peña Cultural Flamenca Chato de la Isla. Caracolillo de Cádiz. Guitar: Paco León.

–       Ubrique. 22:00 (10:00 p.m.). Peña Cultural Flamenca de Ubrique. Dancer: Iván Orellana. Vocals: Pilar La Gineta. Guitar: Pau Vallet.

–       Arcos. 22:00 (10:00 p.m.). Tertulia Flamenca Cultural Arcense. Ana Gómez. Guitar: Niño Manuel.

September 24

–       La Línea. 14:30 (2:30 p.m.). Peña Flamenca Cultural Linense. Vicente Sordo ‘Sordera’. Guitar: Vicente Santiago.

–       Paterna. 21:00 (9:00 p.m.). Peña Cultural Flamenca La Petenera. Dances: Paula Sierra. Vocals: El Cañejo. Guitar: Juan Manuel Fernández.

–       Jerez. 21:30 (9:30 p.m.). Asociación Cultural Flamenca Fernando Terremoto. Chanquita. Guitar: Pepe del Morao.

–       Chiclana. 22:00 (10:00 p.m.). Peña Flamenca Chiclanera. José Canela. Guitar: Manuel Jero.

–       Jerez. 22:00 (10:00 p.m.). Peña Flamenca Buena Gente. Felipa del Moreno. Guitar: Manuel Salado.

Author: World Music Central News Room

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