Rokia Koné

‘Bambougou Nt’ji’, Third and Final single from Rokia Koné & Jacknife Lee

Bambougou Nt’ji‘ is the third single from Rokia Koné & Jacknife Lee. This song will appear in the upcoming album “Bamanan” scheduled for release February 18.

‘Bambougou Nt’ji’ (pronounced ban-buu-guu n-chee) is part of a trilogy of songs at the center of the album that honors the great heroes of the Bamana kingdom, drawing from the griot tradition of using music to pass down the history and stories of Mali through the generations. The song is named after the Bambara prince Bambougou N’tji Diarra and proudly celebrates ‘Bamananya’ — the culture and traditions of the Bambara people.

Buy Bambougou Nt’ji

Author: World Music Central News Room

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