Grupo Paranapanema at Malungo Festival

Grupo Paranapanema is one acts that was featured at the virtual Malungo Festival. Grupo Paranapanema presented its show “Segura nessa pisada.”

The Paranapanema group brings together musicians, activists for the appreciation and recognition of traditional Brazilian cultures, building a work that highlights the African rooted traditions of southeastern Brazil, a repertoire that links the origins of samba from São Paulo, the manifestations of roots music and the present samba scene in large urban centers.

“Segura nessa pisada” (secure in this footstep) shows the influence of its members’ experiences with the communities and popular culture masters that perform jongos, batuque de umbigada, samba de bumbo, samba from Terreiro dos Congados and mozambique genres.

The band has an album titled Luzeiro.

Author: World Music Central News Room

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