Mestre Plinio e Angoleiro Sim Sinhô at Malungo Festival

Mestre Plinio e Angoleiro Sim Sinhô presented their new show “A Luta Continua” at Malungo Festival, an online video series focused on Afro-Brazilian music.

Founded in 1993 by Mestre Plínio, the Angoleiro Sim Sinhô group has been acting in a systemic and continuous way in the appreciation of Capoeira Angola in the city of São Paulo and the traditional knowledge of masters.

A point of reference for the last 28 years for capoeiristas from all over the world, the Centro de Capoeira Angola Angoleiro Sim Sinhô has, during this period of existence, been carrying out various activities related to African-based cultures in Brazil, highlighting the popular knowledge of old mestres and maestras making the connection with the current challenges of black culture in Brazil.

In “A Luta Continua,” the show features guest appearances by Mestre Limãozinho and Mestra Janja.

Angoleiro Sim Sinhô has released an album titled Angoleiro Sim Sinhô.

Author: World Music Central News Room

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