WOMEX 2020 announces First Set of Showcase Artists

The 26th edition of WOMEX, the annual international conference and showcase dedicated to world music, has revealed the names of the first set of artists scheduled to perform in 2020.  WOMEX will take place October 21- 25, 2020 in Budapest, Hungary.

The following 21 artists represent 21 different countries. The Jury-selected musicians represent a wide range of genres and styles: Ghanaian Frafra gospel; cello and jazz vocals from Cuba; a cappella Hungarian folk songs with a modern and polyphonic twist; borderless Mediterranean future folk; re-imagining of Vodoo; brass band with electronics, etc.

The first set showcase artists for 2020:

    Alogte Oho & His Sounds of Joy (Ghana)

    Ana Carla Maza (Cuba/Spain)

    Coşkun Karademir Quartet (Turkey)

    Dalinda (Hungary)

    Djazia Satour (Algeria/France)

    Dongyang Gozupa (South Korea)

    El Khat (Yemen/Israel)

    Erol Josue (Haiti/USA)

    Fanfara Station (Tunisia/USA/Italy)

    Fokn Bois (Ghana/Romania/Hungary/UK)

    Fulu Miziki (DR Congo/Uganda)

    Hugar (Iceland)

    Justin Adams & Mauro Durante (UK/Italy)

    La Perla (Colombia)

    Madalitso Band (Malawi)

    Širom (Slovenia)

    Son Rompe Pera (Mexico)

    Yorkston/Thorne/Khan (India/UK)

headline photo: Alogte Oho – Photo by Max Weissenfeldt

More about WOMEX

Author: World Music Central News Room

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