World Music Central’s 2019 Holiday Gift Guide, Day 8

Final day of our 2019 Musical Gift Guide.

Mens 3D Print Colorful Crew Tube Socks
Garmin Running GPS Music Watch power bundle
Lujex Standard 88 Keys portable roll up piano for kids and adults
Sleep Headphones, Bluetooth 5.0 headband wireless
Firstwallart Headphone and Microphone wall art painting
Hola! Music Deluxe Soprano Ukulele bundle with aquila strings, padded gig bag, strap and picks
MarryAcc Vintage Guitar Head Belt Buckle

Check out our previous 2019 musical gift guides: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5. and Day 6, and Day 7.

Author: TJ Nelson

TJ Nelson is a regular CD reviewer and editor at World Music Central. She is also a fiction writer. Check out her latest book, Chasing Athena’s Shadow. Set in Pineboro, North Carolina, Chasing Athena’s Shadow follows the adventures of Grace, an adult literacy teacher, as she seeks to solve a long forgotten family mystery. Her charmingly dysfunctional family is of little help in her quest. Along with her best friends, an attractive Mexican teacher and an amiable gay chef, Grace must find the one fading memory that holds the key to why Grace’s great-grandmother, Athena, shot her husband on the courthouse steps in 1931. Traversing the line between the Old South and New South, Grace will have to dig into the past to uncover Athena’s true crime.

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