The Jazz Foundation Collecting Funds for Blues, Roots & Jazz Musicians affected by Hurricane Harvey

The Jazz Foundation has started connecting with dozens of jazz, blues, and roots musicians in areas affected by hurricane Harvey. The Jazz Foundation assists artists by repairing homes, replacing belongings and treasured instruments and even replacing work.

A donation to The Jazz Foundation will provide basic necessities, clothing, bedding, instrument replacement, home cleaning and decontamination, rent/mortgage payments, car repairs, home reconstruction and financial support.

The Jazz Foundation brought over 1000 musicians and their families back after Katrina, by rehousing, donating top shelf instruments and creating paying gigs for hundreds. They were there for hundreds affected by Superstorm Sandy, and rebuilt the homes of the musicians who lost everything in last year’s devastating floods in Baton Rouge.

Donation link:

Author: World Music Central News Room

World music news from the editors at World Music Central


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