Applications are Open for Music Action Lab 2.0

Applications are now open for Music Action Lab 2.0, a program described as a one month of nonstop creativity, music, and social innovation. The lab is targeting musicians seeking to use their music for peace building and social change, creating a new musical language based on social justice principles.

During four weeks, Fellows will learn leadership skills, design innovation, and social entrepreneurship from international experts, and create entirely collaborative new music under the mentorship of professional recording artists that will conclude in a series of live concerts and a full album.

Thanks to its core programs partners, the San Francisco 49ers Academy, Fellows will experience state-of-the-arts multimedia studio space and the opportunity to mentor local area youth. Fellows will also debut their music in Mexico at the international poverty alleviation “un-conference” Opportunity Collaboration, in front of an audience of hundreds of thinkers and leaders in social change.

For more information and to apply go to

Author: World Music Central News Room

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