The winners of the influential Festival del Cante de Las Minas will begin a tour of the main port cities of Spain. The Las Minas Puerto Flamenco show is a journey through the history of flamenco.
Ports are to music as pollen is to flowers. Songs arrive to ports, shed their skin, are mixed with each other and end up going to another port. This happened to fado, tango, blues, and flamenco as well. Most songs are of sorrow and absence. Taking port cities as essential elements of this tour, fifteen flamenco artists, award winners of the last editions of the Festival del Cante de Las Minas de La Union, will tour 30 Spanish cities. These flamenco masters are winners in the categories of singing, guitar, percussion and dance.
The winners of the prestigious international competition Festival del Cante de las Minas include Ricardo Fernandez del Moral, Eduardo Guerrero, Amador Rojas, Yolanda Osuna, Miguel Pérez, Jesús Corbacho, Manuel Soto, David Perez, Jose Tomas Jimenez, Bernardo Miranda, Maria Chania, Oscar Manuel, Cristina Tovar, Gema Jimenez and Manuel Heredia Plantón, with a total of ten artists per show. These winners previously performed in Brussels, Luxembourg, New Delhi, Bombay and Tokyo.
Las Minas Puerto Flamenco is a unique 90-minute show, in which the artists demonstrate the talent that made them worthy of being winners. The show includes essential flamenco genres such as habaneras, guajiras, farrucas, cañas, coplas, rondeñas, seguiriyas, tangos, cartageneras, tarantas, soleás, abandolaos, verdiales, peteneras, malagueñas, alegrías, fandangos and bulerías. It is, in short, the essence of flamenco.
The Minas Flamenco Tour show also revolves around life in ports and their workers, who will be honored during the performance. The port as home to artists, the port as vivacity and hope of a new life, the port as a hub of commerce and, of course, as a point of music and partying. The show will vindicate cities overlooking harbors, such as Malaga and Valencia.
The tour will travel through the ports of Andalusia and eastern Spain, later through northern Spain, the Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla. In addition to the port cities, Las Minas Flamenco Tour will also pass through inland cities such as León, Albacete and Pamplona.
The tour will visit the following cities: Malaga (October 9), Algeciras (October 16), Ceuta (October 17), Alicante (October 23), Castellón (24 October), Melilla (November 13), Motril (November 14), Huelva, Almería, Vilagarcía, A Coruna, Ibiza, Cartagena, Palma, Sagunto, Gijón, San Sebastian, Valencia, Aviles, Santander, Barcelona, Bilbao, Ferrol, Vigo, Las Palmas, Tenerife, Sevilla, Cádiz and will conclude at the famous Teatro Real (Royal Theater) in Madrid in April 2016.
The International Festival of Cante de las Minas is one of the major festivals in the world of flamenco. It is also the oldest. Moreover, it is the only one with a contest with consistent first rate quality and demonstrated clear results. Not surprisingly, it has been home to artists such as Miguel Poveda and Vicente Amigo. As Jeromo Segura, a recent winner of its coveted prize
Author: World Music Central News Room
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