The First Transglobal World Music Chart to Be Announced in October



The Transglobal World Music Chart (TWMC), a new world music” best of the month” listing, will reveal its first chart in October 2015.

The Transglobal World Music Chart is a network of international world music writers and radio DJs who specialize in various forms of world music: traditional and contemporary folk music, world beat, global fusion, global electronica and any other form of music rooted in tradition.

The new chart has a global vision, including representatives from various continents, seeking to expose the sounds of the planet based on merit and talent rather than popularity.

Starting in October, the TWMC will release a monthly chart. There will also be a “best of the year” chart at the end of each year. The TWMC is projected to include productions recorded in any country, including self-releases and small indie label recordings.

To contact chart members go to

The administrators and founder members of the TWMC are Juan Antonio Vázquez (Mundofonías, Spain), Araceli Tzigane (Mundofonías, Spain) and Ángel Romero Ruiz (World Music Central, USA).

For more details about the chart visit

Author: World Music Central News Room

World music news from the editors at World Music Central


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