Glitterbeat to Release Bixiga 70 Album in October 2015

Bixiga 70 - III
Bixiga 70 – III
World music label Glitterbeat has announced the release of Bixiga 70’s new album titled “III”. It’s described as mixture of Atlantic cultures, a dialog between the sounds and rhythms of Brazil and Africa. The band’s influences include jazz, funk and Afro-Brazilian music, and extend beyond, into dub and reggae, electronics, cumbia and carimbó, Ethio-jazz and samba.

The album is self-produced by the band in their own studio in Sao Paulo, mixed by Victor Rice. There are no liner note details: the process of creation is decentralized and acknowledges the importance of each musician in the room. The album was recorded live in the studio to guarantee the depth of this collaborative spirit and to accentuate the intensity of the band’s sonic experiments.

Bixiga 70’s previous album, “Ocupai” (Mais um Discos, 2014) brought international attention. That led to extensive touring throughout Brazil, Europe, the USA and Morocco.

Author: World Music Central News Room

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