Janusz Prusinowski Wins Poland’s Traditional Culture Award

Janusz Prusinowski
Janusz Prusinowski Kompania


Janusz Prusinowski has won the annual award of the Polish Ministry of Culture
(Doroczna Nagroda Minister Dziedzictwa Narodowego Kultury i) in the category of traditional culture. Last year he received the bronze medal Gloria Artis, from the same institution. Janusz Prusinowski is one of the most prominent artists involved in the revival of traditional Polish music.

The Polish musician and his will be performing for the first time in Spain in May. The premiere will take place in Madrid on May 21 and in Murcia 22. “I’m curious to see if the Polish and Spanish musical temperaments have something in common, how listeners and Spanish dancers will feel this wild, intense circular music,” stated Janusz Prusinowski yesterday about his first visit to operate in Spain.

May 21
Sala Copérnico
Calle Fernández de los Ríos 67
Metro station: Moncloa
Doors open at 20;00. Presales through Ticketea, 12€ – Box office, 15€.
Sponsored by Polish Culture Institute.

May 22
Festival Murcia Tres Culturas
Plaza de Europa, 21h. Free admission


Author: World Music Central News Room

World music news from the editors at World Music Central


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