DakhaBrakha to Perform Two Shows in Chicago


Ukrainian world music sensation DakhaBrakha is set to perform two shows on Sunday, April 19, 2015 at Mayne Stage in Chicago.

DakhaBrakha is a quartet of multi-instrumentalists from Kiev, who draw on Ukrainian folk melodies and rhythms. Three young women, dressed in wedding gowns and tall Cossack-style hats, sing in soaring, vibrato-less voices while accompanied by accordion, drums, and cello, as well as by the sole male instrumentalist, who also contributes a high vocal lead.

The group uses Indian, Arabic, African, Russian and Australian traditional instrumentation. DakhaBrakha’s discography includes Yahudky, Khmeleva Project and Na Mezhi.

Sunday, April 19, 2015
Shows at 18:00 and 20:00
$15 SRO and $25 GA Seating, $30 DOS, $40 Res.
Mayne Stage, 1328 W. Morse Ave. Chicago

Author: World Music Central News Room

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