Crossover Music of Angola

Manuel Diogo - Music of Angola
Manuel Diogo – Music of Angola
Manuel Diogo

Music of Angola (ARC Music EUCD 2565, 2015)

Many, perhaps most American music shoppers will recognize the African patterns and second line rhythm Paul Simon spotlighted during his Graceland period. That’s the general, modern, sub-Saharan African full band sound. The specific groove on this release is that of 45-year old Manuel Diogo, who came out of Angola’s version of Christian rock to gain growing international respect as a crossover sacred/secular music artist.

It’s an interesting country of extremes and seemingly insoluble problems. Angola has oil and diamonds to export, but the proceeds from those industries and taxes go to support a small, corrupt elite while the majority of the nation remains high on global misery charts. Diogo’s music, as music is wont to do, seems to cut through the problems and present listeners with exquisite spotlightings of Life’s passions and joys.

None of the ten tunes are light. They range, topically, from religious exhortation to philosophical questioning to fervent wishes for universal peace. They do so with driving rhythms taking advantage of thick choral passages and thin, traditional instruments as well as all a good studio setting can capture and provide today.

Look for Manuel Diogo on Youtube or elsewhere on line. Very likely, you will find his music to your liking.

Buy Music of Angola

Author: Arthur Shuey

Arthur has been reviewing music for publications since 1976 and began focusing almost exclusively on world music in 2012.

His musical background includes past presidencies of the Cape Fear Musicians Association and Blues Society of the Lower Cape Fear, founding membership in nine other blues societies, service on 17 music festival planning committees, two decades of teaching harmonica to individuals and groups, operating a small recording studio and performing solo and in combos for 30 years.

Arthur has written professionally since 1975, pieces ranging from short fiction to travel articles, humor to poetry, mainly for local and regional entertainment media. His blog,” Shuey’s World,” is featured at


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