Sousou & Maher Cissoko Win Swedish Music ‘Manifest’ Award for ‘Best Folk Album 2015’

Sousou and Maher Cissoko - Africa Moo Baalu
Sousou and Maher Cissoko – Africa Moo Baalu
Sousou & Maher Cissoko’s album ‘Africa Moo Baalu‘ (ARC Music ) has won the national Swedish Music ‘Manifest’ Award for ‘Best Folk Album 2015.’ Sousou & Maher accepted their award from Senegal as the awards were being televised live from Stockholm’s Restaurant Nalen on Feb. 6th 2015.

Translating as ‘big people of Africa’ – or ‘Leaders of Africa’ – the album’s title track appeals for world leaders to come together to put an end to suffering and war: “The world needs some changes”, says Maher. “There are many conflicts that have been going on for so many years, from generation to generation. The leaders have the power and hold the possibilities to change.”

Manifest Awards is organized by the Swedish Independent Music Producers collaboration with partners and is the only independent Swedish music award where the prize is awarded for works created over the past year.

The awards ceremony can be seen here:

Author: World Music Central News Room

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