Presentation of the Book ‘Flamenco and Power’ in Madrid

Flamenco y Poder, un estudio desde la sociología del arte
Flamenco y Poder, un estudio desde la sociología del arte
A new book titled ‘Flamenco y Poder, un estudio desde la sociología del arte’ (Flamenco and Power, a study from the sociology of art) by Aix Francisco Gracia will be presented on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at Café Cantante Casa Patas in Madrid. The book is published by the SGAE Foundation.

The author explains some of the keys to his research which won the Prize for Best Doctoral Thesis from the SGAE Foundation in 2012.

Aix Francisco Gracia, PhD in Sociology from the University of Sevilla, discusses the study from three perspectives: firstly he explores the historical relations of flamenco with the economy and politics. He also conducts a study of the social and internal structure of flamenco culture and what has caused the artists to constantly dance between orthodoxy and creation, to make new contributions to flamenco.

The purpose of this study is to “clear the equation of art in relation to society, where either this is a reflection of society, or dialogue with society in a process of mutual influence, where art would reserve some degree of autonomy“, expressed the author.

Cafe Cantante Casa Patas, Calle de los Cañizares 10, Madrid.

Author: World Music Central News Room

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