Glitterbeat to Launch Hidden Music Series

Hanoi Masters: War is a Wound, Peace is Scar
Hanoi Masters: War is a Wound, Peace is Scar
Glitterbeat Records is set to launch a new Hidden Musics series that will feature un-mediated “field” recordings of lesser-known global music traditions. The first release ‘Hanoi Masters: War is a Wound, Peace is Scar‘, to be released March 16, 2015, is a haunting audio document recorded in the summer of 2014 by Grammy-award winning producer Ian Brennan (Tinariwen, Malawi Mouse Boys, The Good Ones).

The songs are performed and played live and direct by elderly Vietnamese musicians using half-forgotten traditional instruments. These musicians all have deep personal connections to the upheavals of the Vietnam War and the album’s mesmerizing mood navigates the blurred line between raw beauty and sadness. 40 years after the end of the Vietnam War, a war these Hanoi musicians still call the “American War”, the wounds and scars of that era are ever-present.

Author: World Music Central News Room

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