Cantares da Serra Collects 500 traditional Songs from the Serra do Caurel

Cantares da Serra
Cantares da Serra
Cantares da Serra, a book by Lois Foxo, is the third volume of the Músicas do Caurel series. It includes 500 folk melodies that were preserved in the Serra do Caurel (Lugo, Spain). The transcribed melodies include genres such as coplas de ciego (blindmen songs) as well as songs about love, wedding, the harvest, the Maggi, Christmas , religious poems and instrumental pieces. The set includes a sociological and ethnographic study, illustrated with vintage photographs.

The 420-page book comes with 4 music CDs and 1 DVD.

Published by the Xunta de Galicia, I.S.B.N. 9790-69200-495-0

Author: World Music Central News Room

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