Famagusta Experience Brings together Flamenco and Turkish Music

Taksim Trio
Taksim Trio


Turkish music act Taksim Trio, Flamenco jazz wizard Dorantes and pioneering flamenco bassist Carles Benavent are set to perform together on August 26, 2014 at International Famagusta Art and Culture Festival in Cyprus.

Taksim Trio is made up of Husnu Senlendirici on the clarinet, Ismail Tuncbilek on the baglama, and Aytac Dogan on the kanun. They are well- known for incorporating the dynamic and cosmopolitan soul of Istanbul into its music. Taksim Trio’s recordings include Taksim Trio, Turkish Lounge and Taksim Trio 2.




 Carles Benavent, courtesy of TC Electronic
Carles Benavent, courtesy of TC Electronic


Taksim Trio will perform a concert along with flamenco-jazz innovator Dorantes and the legendary nuevo flamenco bassist Carles Benavent. Dorantes’ discography includes Sin Muros, Orobroy, Dorantes and Sur.

The International Famagusta Art and Culture Festival takes place at the ancient ruins of Salamis Ancient Theatre in Famagusta with a capacity for over 15,000 people. It’s still an impressive site from the very top of its restored eighteen rows of stone seats.

Author: World Music Central News Room

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