Third Round of WOMEX 2014 Conference Sessions Revealed

Alexander Walter (Germany), director of WOMEX - Photo by Michael Mann
Alexander Walter (Germany), director of WOMEX – Photo by Michael Mann


The WOMEX team announced today the next round of conference topics and speakers for the 2014 conference.

Alexander Walter (Germany), director of WOMEX, will walk all new delegates through how to maximize the WOMEX experience, offering advice on how to utilise the Trade Fair and how to get the most out of the Conference.


Sergio de la Ossa (Spain/Hungary), from aCentral Folque - Photo by Veronika Gergely
Sergio de la Ossa (Spain/Hungary), from aCentral Folque – Photo by Veronika Gergely


Sergio de la Ossa (Spain/Hungary), from aCentral Folque, will explore the music of WOMEX 2014’s host region, presenting a session on Galician Folk Music, detailing its heritage as well as its impact on more contemporary styles.


Shanta Take (USA), from globalFEST - Photo by Tammy Shell
Shanta Take (USA), from globalFEST – Photo by Tammy Shell


Shanta Take (USA), from globalFEST, will discuss crowdfunding, with particular focus on the sustainability of this method of raising funds. Participants are encouraged to bring along success stories and the challenges faced in building a funding base and rewarding supporters.

Sophie Cammack (UK), from Continental Drifts, will host a speed-dating session for those active in global, acoustic or traditional music, pairing them up with producers and remixers in the hope of inspiring some impromptu creativity.

Vanessa Reed (UK), from PRS for Music Foundation, will lead a discussion about different approaches to supporting talent development in world music and jazz, inviting the audience to debate what works, what’s new and whether artists from different music communities could benefit from more opportunities to learn together.


Dmitri Vietze (USA), from rock paper scissors - Photo by Clay Grumieaux
Dmitri Vietze (USA), from rock paper scissors – Photo by Clay Grumieaux


Dmitri Vietze (USA), from rock paper scissors, will continue on his mission to help musicians create the perfect PR pitch, bringing back the rapid fire format introduced at WOMEX 2013 that sees him find the best news hook for an artist within 60 seconds.


Michael Orlove (USA), from National Endowment for the Arts- Photo by Lola Orlove Rodriguez
Michael Orlove (USA), from National Endowment for the Arts- Photo by Lola Orlove Rodriguez


Michael Orlove (USA), from National Endowment for the Arts, will inspect how cultural exchange can be facilitated by government programs and NGOs, looking specifically at examples and initiatives that exist to support artists looking to bring their music to international audiences.


Frank Klaffs (Germany), from Piranha Arts - Photo by Michael Mann
Frank Klaffs (Germany), from Piranha Arts – Photo by Michael Mann


Frank Klaffs (Germany), from Piranha Arts, will take a trip down memory lane while simultaneously casting an eye to the future as he recounts the impact of WOMEX over the last 20 years and discusses future visions, challenges and opportunities faced by local and transglobal music communities and cultures.


Antonio Martinez (Germany/Spain), from Nordesia
Antonio Martinez (Germany/Spain), from Nordesia


Antonio Martinez (Germany/Spain), from Nordesia, WOMEX’s Spanish partners, will head up this WrapUp/preview session joining members of the WOMEX team and representatives of WOMEX 15 in Budapest to provide insight into the facts and figures of WOMEX 2014 and give a sneak peek at WOMEX 2015.


Marc Benaïche (France), from Atelier 144 - Photo by Liz Gomis
Marc Benaïche (France), from Atelier 144 – Photo by Liz Gomis


Marc Benaïche (France), from Atelier 144, will detail how the digital age has pushed forward the importance of the visual – images, design, videos – when it comes to music and will use design thinking to demonstrate how artists can create visuals that are interactive and compatible with mobile music services.


Bob Ramdhanie (Trinidad & Tobago/Barbados), from mapz Arts Management
Bob Ramdhanie (Trinidad & Tobago/Barbados), from mapz Arts Management


Bob Ramdhanie (Trinidad & Tobago/Barbados), from mapz Arts Management, will chair a session with speakers who will share festival experiences from their respective countries, looking at how music festivals contribute to and facilitate social development and entrepreneurship.

For further information on the Conference program, visit:

Author: World Music Central News Room

World music news from the editors at World Music Central


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