Festival Kompa Zouk in Toronto to Feature Top Artists

Festival_Kompa_ZoukThe Director General of Festival Kompa Zouk (FKZO), Marie-Jennyne Mayard, announced an exciting program for the 6th edition of Festival Kompa Zouk that will take place from July 24 to August 4, 2014 at various venues throughout Toronto, including the popular Habourfront Centre.

Musicians featured include Boukman Eksperyans, J-Perry, Nuz, Dinh N’guyen the Vietzoukeur, Djakout # 1, Jah Nissi, Jaffa Charles, Melorize, Mapou Guinen, Rara Soley, Woodney Pierre, Tamsir Seck, Exile One, DJ Moet, DJ Kyabu and several other artists. MC: Ronnie Dee and Emmanuel Bois.

Music lovers should be well prepared,” said Ms. Mayard. She provided the following program details for FKZO’s upcoming not to be missed events:

“Musicology Night” at Bunda Lounge, 1108 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Saturday, July 26, presented by Unleashed Legacies and hosted by DJ Kyabu, Ace of Spades, DJ NS, with the support of Wolfpix. Admission: $15 in advance.

“Cocktail au Jazz II” at La Creole Restaurant, 810 St Clair West, Toronto, Sunday, July 27, presented by La Creole, FKZO and in collaboration with the Communauté Haïtiene Unie de l’Ontario- CHUO, Maison d’Haiti de Toronto and Unleashed Legacies from 7:00 p.m. to midnight. Free.

“Workshop for Future artists” – How to Break into Ontario’s cultural scene. Workshop In French. 2 Carlton Street, West Mezzanine, Toronto. Wednesday, July 30 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Free.

“Opening of Art Exhibit curated by Emeraude Michel” Marilyn Brewer Gallery, Harbourfront Centre, 235 Queensway, Toronto. Friday, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Exhibit runs to August 4). Free.

“Djakout # 1 Night”: Macedonian Banquet Hall, 76 Overlea Blvd, Toronto, Saturday, Aug. 2, presented by Zouk In Toronto, 10:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. Admission: $ 30 in advance, $ 40 at the door.

“Festival Kompa Zouk Toronto Day” Harbourfront Centre, 235 Queensway, Toronto, Sunday, Aug. 3, presented by FKZO and partners, Noon to 11:00 p.m.. Free.

Activities for the whole family including: games for children, workshops on natural hair, dance and musical instruments, costume show, cooking demonstrations, and art exhibition presented by the Emeraude Michel Art Gallery

Book signing for Nan Domi by Mimerose Beaubrun following performance

After party: The Brigantine Room, Harbourfront Centre, presented by CHUO and hosted by DJ Moet. $ 5 entry

“A Creole Explosion” featuring Exile One and Sandy Gamma Band, Jamaican Canadian Centre, 995 Arrow Road, Toronto, Monday, August 4, presented by Entertainment, Stowe Productions, from 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Ticket info: 416-301-5279, 647-783-3655, 347-285-8408. Admission: $ 40 Advance $ 35.

Author: World Music Central News Room

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