Meanwhile, Centro Cultural Pilar Miró has two premieres on the same day, on Saturday, June 14. First, cantaora (singer) Ana Ramírez ‘La Yiya’ will showcase Morisca, and José Maldonado will present Mojácar, winner of the Premio Suma Flamenca 2013 in the choreography category.
In downtown Madrid, the Casa Sefarad Israel has scheduled New York dancer Leilah Broukhim for Saturday, June 7. Her show is called Dejando huellas. The Teatro Guindalera will feature the cantes de taberna (tavern songs) of Loreto De Diego on Wednesday, June 4.
Award-winning cantaor and guitarist Ricardo Fernández del Moral will perform on Saturday, June 14 at Centro Cardenal Gonzaga in La Cabrera.
Suma Flamenca will take place from June 4 to July 3, 2014 in 24 venues in the Madrid region.
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Author: World Music Central News Room
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