WOMEX 2014 Seeking Submissions from Music Filmmakers

womex-250Filmmakers who reveal the stories behind some of the world’s most intriguing musicians and musical movements are invited to showcase their work at the IMZ Film Screenings at WOMEX 2014, the leading platform for global sounds in audio-visual media. WOMEX 2014 will take place in Santiago de Compostela, Spain from Wednesday, October 22 until Sunday, October 26.

The IMZ Film Screenings present outstanding recent documentaries centered on music and/or musicians from all around the world.

The film proposals are independently juried by WOMEX’s long-time partner IMZ – International Music + Media Centre in Vienna, which brings 50 years of experience to the selection process. Last year, 17 films from 17 countries were screened at WOMEX 13.

The films from the screening selection can also become part of the World Music Films On Tour program, a non-profit distribution project aimed at bringing musical diversity in film to a wider public.

The deadline for all film proposals is Friday, 18 April 2014, just before the Easter weekend). This is a public holiday in IMZ’s home country, Austria. Submissions should be sent early to ensure timely arrival.

More on Film proposals: womex.com/lnk/film-proposal

Author: World Music Central News Room

World music news from the editors at World Music Central


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