Sarawak Tourism Board Seeking Aspiring Graphic Designers for Music Festival Rebranding Competition

Gina Moor, Sarawak Tourism Board internship student showing the previous design artwork of Rainforest World Music Festival, which has been used for the past 3 years.
Gina Moor, Sarawak Tourism Board internship student showing the previous design artwork of Rainforest World Music Festival, which has been used for the past 3 years.
Sarawak Tourism Board (STB) in Malaysian Borneo is In search of aspiring graphic designers among the public to help create the new look for the renowned Rainforest World Music Festival and Borneo Jazz. The new artwork design will rejuvenate the external look of the festival represented by STB at many tourism-marketing events and promotional campaign overseas.

The design competition provides an exciting challenge not only to professional art & design communities but also members of the public (amateur or students) to showcase their talent and to win attractive prizes from the festival organizer, Sarawak Tourism Board. This design competition also provides all participants with the opportunity to showcase his or her talent as a designer. The winning design will be used to brand Rainforest World Music Festival and Borneo Jazz 2014 in promotional materials including posters, brochures, leaflets, souvenir program, websites or other social media platforms.

Individual or group entries are both permitted. The idea must preserve the characteristic features and authenticity of each festival.

RainforestWMFThe entry in this competition constitutes the agreement to allow your idea to be published through any of STB’s marketing and publicity material either in print or electronic media worldwide. This will also include the use of material by STB marketing partners such as Tourism Malaysia or the airlines, among others. The artwork will become the exclusive property of Sarawak Tourism Board, which retains exclusive rights to the reproduction of the design and the submitting artist will relinquish all rights to such design. As in any other art and design competition, the entries must not violate any copyright, trademark, publicity right, privacy right, or any other right of any third party.

The best artwork design will be selected and will receive 10 sets of 2 day tickets to the festival in 2014 together with certificate (Borneo Jazz) and 10 sets of 3 day tickets to the festival in 2014 together with a certificate (RWMF).

This is a digital competition. However, hard copy proposals will also be accepted. Online entries can be uploaded via DropBox and sent to in 3 formats (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and PDF in high resolution) not later than 29 November 2013. The attachment, (packed in a ZIP file) via email will also be accepted. The artwork should include a technical summary in writing. Entries are also encouraged to include all necessary information to clearly explain the proposal especially description or the meaning of the design.

Entries will be judged and must have the following criteria:

1) Borneo Jazz – An element of Jazz music icon with not more than 3 color code.
2) Rainforest World Music Festival – An element of World Music icon, Sarawak ethnic design / concept and a must to incorporate Green color code in the design.

The design must incorporate the respective festival logos and both are downloadable via

Author: World Music Central News Room

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