MIDIFAN and Kong Audio Roll Out 2013 Game Music Contest

Kong_Audio_Contest_2013MIDIFAN and music software company Kong Audio have announced the 2013 Game Music Contest. Submission ends on September 15th.

Awards: The top 10 list will be announced. The top three winners will get a box version of Chinee Orchestra (retail 690 USD) each, plus a physical trophy. No. 4 – No. 10 will be given a coupon of 50% off discount for Chinee Orchestra.


1. Each contestant can submit one and only one piece of music in mp3 format. The music cannot be longer than 10 minutes. Please send the mp3 to kongaudio_contest@midifan.com with your real name, address, contact phone and your short bio/resume (the bio/resume will not be made public). The staff will confirm with you shortly to complete the submission process.

2. Contest Theme: Game music. Contestant must choose at least one (or more than one mixed together) to compose an original piece of music:

combat/fighting scene.
ballad/serene scene.
thriller/intense scene.

3. There must be at least one recognizable Chinese instrument in the music. (check here if you need a free one)
4. The music cannot be live recordings.
5. The contestant must submit the MIDI of the music and the list of the synth/libraries used in the music, along with a concise abstract of the inspiration of the music (no more than 500 words).
6. MIDIFAN will publish new entries each week on the website.

The judge panel will decide upon the winner, and the result will be published before 2013 October 15th.

**The awards are not allowed to be transfer, resold, or rented to anyone else.
*The contestant must hold the rights of the music and also agree that Kong Audio and MIDIFAN are allowed to use the submitted music for promotion of the event.

Judge Panel: (in alphabetic order)

rocstudio: A-Kun
zqgame: Li GuangFu
Perfect World: Liu TingTing
Gamemusic.com.cn: Lu XiaoXu
Kingsoft Games: Li YuKui
Netnease Leihuo: Sun Man
Besides Sound: Yang Jie
QQ Music: Yang Yin

David Buckley
Greg Schlaepfer
Matthew Bowdler
Zizics “Fanta” Laszlo.

For last year’s contest result, visit here:

Author: World Music Central News Room

World music news from the editors at World Music Central


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