Video of the Week: Verdes Herbas by Doa

This week’s music video focuses on of the finest acts in the Galician folk music scene. Doa has been making excellent Celtic music and is one of Spain’s best exponents of Galician music.

The video, titled ‘Verdes Herbas,’ includes Doa’s newest member, soprano singer Susana de Lorenzo, who has an admirable voice. ‘Verdes Herbas’ appears on Doa’s album A Fronda dos cervos.

Doa is known for its combination of ancient folk music and Medieval traditions with modern elements such as electric guitar and keyboards. Many of the pieces on A Fronda dos cervos (The Deer Forest) are based on Medieval songbooks such as the renowned Cantigas of Alfonso X El Sabio (Alfonso The Learned), the codice Calixtino (Calistine codex) and the Martin Códax. The rest of the material are original pieces by Doa members Xoan Piñon and Bernardo Martinez.

Doa’s current line-up include founders Xoan Piñon, Xaquín Bernardo and Blanco Martinez, along with master zanfoñeiro (hurdy gurdy performer) Oscar Fernandez and vocalist Susana de Lorenzo.

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Author: World Music Central News Room

World music news from the editors at World Music Central


One Reply to “Video of the Week: Verdes Herbas by Doa”

  1. A Doa coñezo dende os primeiros anos, a comenzos dos oitenta (no 1984 estivo no Festival Irmandiño, xunto con Braht, Xorima, Wotan e Saraibas), conservan toda a sua boa múseca, e cas inclusións de Susana de Lorenzo e o bo amigo Oscar Fernández volverá a darnos satisfacions os amantes da boa música. Enhoraboa e adiante ca múseca.

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