Banda das Crechas and Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas at Celtic Connections 2011

Banda das Crechas
Spain’s Banda das Crechas and Alasdair Fraser (Scotland) & Natalie Haas (USA) will be performing Friday, January 21st at St Andrew’s in the Square.

Rekindling the playful, participative spirit of the foliada – Galicia’s equivalent to the session or ceilidh – in wintry Glasgow, Banda das Crechas are an extended musical collective from Santiago de Compostela, based in a building with a 150-year history as a social and cultural hub: think of them as its 21st century house band.

In another 100-percent-proof yet deliciously harmonious distillation of contemporary ceilidh spirit, the great Scottish fiddler Alasdair Fraser and phenomenal US cellist Natalie Haas continue their thrillingly cosmopolitan, endlessly inventive renegotiation of their instruments’ venerable Caledonian partnership.

Friday, January 21st at 7:30pm
St Andrew’s in the Square

Banda das Crechas recordings available:

  • In North America: Abdc (MP3)
  • In Europe: Abdc (CD), Abdc (download)

Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas recordings available:

Celtic Connections tickets are available at:

By phone 0141 353 8000
In person Glasgow Royal Concert Hall
2 Sauchiehall Street
Glasgow, G2 3NY
City Halls and Old Fruitmarket
Glasgow, G1 1NQ

Author: World Music Central News Room

World music news from the editors at World Music Central


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