Tim Eriksen Will Present American Shape Note Singing at Celtic Connections 2011

Tim Eriksen - Photo by Michael Murphree
Tim Eriksen will be performing shape-note music on Saturday, January 15th at 7:30pm at St. Andrew’s in the Square.

As featured in the Oscar-winning movie Cold Mountain, shape-note or Sacred Harp singing is the oldest U.S. choral music, originating in the late 18th century.

Thanks in no small part to renowned Massachusetts roots artist Tim Eriksen – ex-Cordelia’s Dad, and a key consultant on Cold Mountain – these glorious pre-gospel harmonies are undergoing a distinct renaissance: come and hear why as Eriksen leads a traditional-style shape-note “singing”, with a large group of experienced U.S. and U.K. practitioners.

Tim Eriksen recordings available:

Sat 15 January, 7:30pm
St Andrew’s in the Square

Celtic Connections tickets are available at:

Online www.celticconnections.com
By phone 0141 353 8000
In person Glasgow Royal Concert Hall
2 Sauchiehall Street
Glasgow, G2 3NY
City Halls and Old Fruitmarket
Glasgow, G1 1NQ

Author: World Music Central News Room

World music news from the editors at World Music Central


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