Two Faces of Polish Folk Music in Madison

Two Faces of Polish Folk Music will take place in Madison (Wisconsin) on Thursday, September 30th, 2010 at 7:30 pm. The event includes two bands from Poland:

Janusz Prusinowski Trio, presens traditional Polish (esp. from Mazovia) village music: mazurkas, obereks, kujawiaks, polkas; featured instruments include: fiddle, accordion, dulcimer, baraban drum, bass, and also wooden flutes and shawm.

Kwadrofonik merge folk, classical and beyond with finesse and Slavic sensitivity. It came to life as an artistic meeting of two duets: Hob-beats Duo (more than a dozen percussion instruments) and Lutoslawski Piano Duo. Their sound is sometimes wild and sometimes contemplative, frequently within the same piece.

This 2-hour program will feature Polish folk/village songs that might have inspired Chopin in his creative process as well as non-classical renditions of F. Chopin’s music.

The concert is a part of the US tour: “”Frederic Chopin’s 200th Birthday Party: A Polish Jazz Presentation” which features seven Polish bands, musicians of various musical genres. They will also perform at Chicago Symphony Center and Carnegie Hall in New York City.

Mills Hall
Mosse Humanities Building
455 N. Park St.
Madison, WI
Tickets at the door:
adults: $20;
students $10;
children up to 7 years old – free

Author: World Music Central News Room

World music news from the editors at World Music Central


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