The GondwanaSound Report, September 2, 2010

Jill Turner
Jill Turner reports: Andy Kershaw returns to broadcasting to tie in with the Radio One series on lost worlds and has an enviable gig travelling the globe recording “endangered music”.

BBC Radio 3 celebrated 10 years at WOMAD and as part of their celebrations have made public on their website the World Routes series for your exploration. And finally as I returned home trumpets were blasting out from Radio Four was a Guca special – all worthy of checking out via the usual BBC i-player.

Mim Sulieman invited you to Tungi part Two with films from her Zanzi experience plus guests Juldeh Camara and DJ Andy Healey for an evening of dance and music down at Penelopes on 15th September. This clashes with the Hut People playing the Rivelin Folk Club which comes three days after Baka Beyond hold their Rainforest Culture Camp in the New Forest down south. This is three days before the Soothsayers journey up North to play the Lift club in Glossop on the 18th September.

Then there’s Jim moray at the Boardwalk on the 22nd and Hassan Erraji, with a new album out next week, plays the Barnsley Diversity festival on 26th September. ( He’s also coming to Sheffield Firth Hall on 19th October). Read more at

King Sunny Ade - Synchro System/Aura
There’s King Sunny Ade a plenty. On 23rd August, The T-Bird label, perhaps better known for their rock and country issues in the U.S. are making available two classic King Sunny Ade albums from the mid 80’s on one CD, Synchro System/Aura. Plus. if that’s not enough, this precedes the release of King Sunny Ade’s first studio album in 10 years. Indigedisc / Mesa Bluemoon are releasing Baba Mo Tunde, on 28th September. Read the full story on

Ever wanted to go to a folk club and sing but were afraid to ask anyone for the words…vex not Jon Boden’s blog ” A Folk Song A Day ” is the answer and a damn fine way to find out a huge amount of info on traditional British folk music, custom and history. More at

In another of our WOMAD reports we bring you images and words from Justin and Juldeh’s presentation of the Songlines Best Cross Cultural Collaboration Award from Peter Gabriel. More at

The Rough Guide To The Music Of Afghanistan
The people at the Rough Guides have been extremely busy with a number of noteworthy releases but before I finish this newsletter I want to mention the Rough Guide to the Music of Afghanistan. Released this week its a great start to exploring the soul of the country.

Finally, our thoughts, meditations and prayers are with Mildred and her family as they face deportation by the UK border agency. Mildred sought refuge in Sheffield after fleeing Nigeria where she escaped huge personal dangers and threats to her life. You can read about her case and sign the petition here: Mildred is a colleague on Sheffield Live producing the Igbo radio show and it never ceases to amaze me the stories people hold … we hope she can stay with us and that she and her family can continue to enjoy sanctuary.

Stay tuned….Sheffield Live 93.2FM and from10th September we’ll be on Fridays at 9:00 am…BST…get the coffee going!!

Author: World Music Central News Room

World music news from the editors at World Music Central


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