As part of Rocky’s ongoing work with UNICEF on their Clean Water and Sanitation program, and to raise awareness about Guinea Worm infestation, Africa Live! decided to move the event from the capital of Accra to the Northern Region where these issues can directly be confronted.
“Rocky Dawuni’s Independence Splash 2007,” which promoted a “Clean Ghana,” was held at La Pleasure Beach in Accra, Ghana. Drawing an estimated 40,000 people, global media and world leaders including World Bank President, Paul Wolfowitz, the event featured 2006 MOBO Award winner Batman Samini, griot sensation King Ayisoba and Hip life star Tic Tac. Rocky Dawuni is one of Africa’s most popular musicians whose live performances have often been called legendary and whose popularity spans the globe. He is currently blazing new paths with his CD Book of Changes, a progressive fusion of Reggae, Afro Beat, traditional African sounds, and Hip Hop neo-griotism which has been dubbed “infectious” and “a classic” by tastemakers. Rocky’s rendition of John Lennon’s “Well, Well, Well” is featured on the massively successful Warner Brother’s release Instant Karma: Amnesty International Campaign to Save Darfur" Deluxe Edition. Rocky has served as a spokesperson and personality for Product (RED) led by U2’s front man Bono and Bobby Shriver supporting The Global Fund’s initiatives on HIV/ AIDs in Africa. Rocky’s song "Wake the Town" is featured on video giant EA’s FIFA 2008 video game which has been released world-wide on millions of consoles.
In 2007, working with UNICEF, Dawuni led a group of musicians, press and developmental partners on a three-day campaign to Northern Ghana to promote clean water, sanitation and hygiene. The trip shed light on these acute problems and discussed practical and sustainable solutions in line with Dawuni’s initiative of using music as a tool for social development. The trip also resulted in collaboration between Dawuni and Batman Samini on the song “Clean Water” for UNICEF’s World Water Day commemoration. The song has since been translated in to five Northern Ghanaian dialects. Dawuni plans to make a similar journey to areas surrounding Tamale to address current Water and Sanitation issues.
Ghana was the first black African country to gain independence from colonial rule in 1957 under the guidance of Ghana’s first president, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. Rocky Dawuni founded the Independence Splash concert in 2001 to celebrate his homeland of Ghana. Since its inception, Independence Splash has attracted thousands and has been broadcast to millions. The unprecedented success of the 2007 event cemented Dawuni’s goal of using this annual festival to foster African political integration and provides a place for all freedom loving people around the world to converge.
Africa Live! is a non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve, restore, and reinvigorate the Ghanaian music scene, creating public and industry awareness for its rich history and value, and commercial opportunities for artists and the community. Native son and musician Rocky Dawuni recognized the need to safeguard Ghana’s incredible music legacy. Through Africa Live! Dawuni plans to promote music education and appreciation in schools, provide artists with access to instruments, venues and professional production assistance, and further appreciation and demand for traditional West African music throughout the world.
March 6th, 2008
Tamale Sports Stadium, Tamale, Ghana
7pm / 1 Ghana Cedi
Photo © Akindele Hickling / Pilachi Ltd. 2007
Author: World Music Central News Room
World music news from the editors at World Music Central