Seattle/Bellevue) on April 30, 2006, 7 p.m., Standard Pacific Time to hear a powerful encounter with Corsican polyphony. This show can be streamed at
This hour long segment, Polyphony Vocal Music of Corsica, hosted by Patty-Lynne Herlevi, (Cranky Crow World Music), features the groups, A Filetta, Jean-Paul Poletti & Le Choeur de Sartene, I Campagnoli, I Muvrini and Petru Guelfucci with Voice of Corsica. The Italian polyphony
ensemble, Faraualla and Greek vocalist Savina Yannatou‘s interpretations of Corsican polyphonic songs also appear in this segment.
Highlights include: A Filetta’s l’Aria featuring Japanese opera diva, Marie Kobayashi,
I Muvrini’s traditional polyphony from their
Pulifunie CD and Jean-Paul Poletti & Le Choeur de Sartene’s Salve Sancte Pateri from Transitus De Saint Francois D’Assise. A brief history of Corsican polyphony and biographies of the vocalists round out this passionate gaze at the haunting music of the French Mediterranean island, Corsica.
Corsican polyphony, (many voices singing in close harmony), originated with shepherds who drove their herds into the rugged mountains during the summer months. These are songs of identity and community where many voices join as one causing riots or transcendental bliss. (Global Rhythm, December 2005)
Corsican vocal tradition cannot easily be described or explained, some listeners have called it “primal” and many are hooked on the music upon first hearing it. English historian and travel writer Dorothy Carrington who relocated to Corsica in the 1940’s had this to say about her first encounter with this vocal tradition.
“It was like hearing a voice from the depths of the earth; a song from the dawn of time; from a beginning that one never dares believe is possible.”
While one doesn’t need to travel to Corsica to hear Corsican polyphony, it is a rare experience to hear this vocal tradition on a North American radio show, outside of Canada where a few of the Corsican groups have toured. Listeners in North America are treated to a musical experience, not easily forgotten, Europeans will be reminded of a vibrant European tradition and listeners from other parts of the world can enjoy the limitless potential of the human voice. For many listeners this will be their first encounter with some of the finest
Corsican vocalist and composers around today. Spend an hour exploring the sheer beauty of many human voices coming together as one. Don’t miss these spellbinding vocalists.
Tracks & Artists Featured:
Sanctus, A Filetta,
The Rough Guide to the Music of France, World Music Network
Canti Suminati, I Campagnoli,
The Rough Guide to Paris Cafe Music, World Music Network
Luna Silenziu, Jean-Paul Poletti & Le Choeur de Sartene, Terra Mea,
Universal France
Kyrie, I Muvrini,
Pulifunie, Higher Octave
Kyrie, A Filetta, Intantu, Auvidis/Silex
Paghjella, I Muvrini,
Pulifunie, Higher Octave
Salve Sancte Pateri, Jean-Paul Poletti & Le Choeur de Sartene, Transitus de
Saint Francois D’Assise, Auvidis
Miserere, Jean-Paul Poletti & Le Choeur de Sartene, Terra Mea, Universal
Sumiglia, A Filetta, Intantu, Auvidis/Silex
Sumiglia, Savina Yannatou,Sumiglia,
Eramo In Campu,
Faraualla, debut CD, Amiata Records
Era In Un Campu, Voce di Corsica,
Music of Corsica, Arc Music
L’Aria, A Filetta, Si di me, Virgin France
*L’Anniversariu Di Minetta, A Filetta, Intantu, Auvidis/Silex
*Barbara Furtuna, Voce Di Corsica,
Music of Corsica, Arc Music
*Corsica, Petru Guelfucci,
Music of Corsica, Arc Music
*Songs without descriptions in program.
The Old Country, (Sunday, 7 to 8 p.m./19:00 to 20:00 p.m., Standard Pacific Time) offers listeners an in-depth look at regional (or international), music hosted by Seattle-based musicians and experts from around the world. This hour long pre-produced radio program focuses on the incredible depth and richness
that is present in the Seattle/Bellevue community. Working musicians and aficionados, and other folks with musical rarities can be heard each week on The Old Country.
So tune in to The Old Country on KBCS on Sunday, April 30, 2006, 7 p.m. Standard Pacific Time.
And a huge thank you to all those helping hands that made this show possible. and
Author: World Music Central News Room
World music news from the editors at World Music Central